The garment and footwear sector is one of the largest consumer goods sectors in the world and there is a risk that the sector does not comply with the OECD guidelines. The guidance can help enterprises to avoid negative impact from their business and provides specific advice for enterprises in this sector. The guidance includes a practical framework for due diligence and is a useful tool to manage demanding situations in a complex sector.

A gender dimension

Women account for a majority of the work force in the garment and footwear sector and are vulnerable to risks of harm. Women are more likely to be paid lower wages than men; women are more often linked to precarious, informal or irregular employment; and low-income women workers are particularly vulnerable to harassment in the workplace. The guidance therefore recommends that enterprises focus on women and integrates a gender perspective in all stages of due diligence.

The guidance was developed through a multi-stakeholder process with global actors such as the business sector, civil society, trade unions, academia and governments.


  • OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible business conduct Responsible Supply Chains in the Garment and Footwear Sector (English)
  • Flyer about the guidance (English)
  • OECD information about the guidance (English)

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