Friends of the Earth Norway, Forum for Environment and Development (ForUM) vs. Cermaq ASA


ForUM, Friends of the Earth Norway and Cermaq ASA signed a joint statement on sustainable fish farming on 10 August 2011 after mediation by the NCP. Status: Concluded.

Date Filed: 19 May 2009
Status: Concluded by mediated Joint Statement 10 August 2011
Industry concerned: Fishing
Company/ies: Cermaq ASA
Complainant(s): Friends of the Earth Norway and Forum for Environment Development (NGOs)
Lead National Contact Point: Norway
Secondary National Contact Point(s): Chile, Canada
Relevant Chapter(s) of the Guidelines: Chapter II (General Policies), Chapter IV (Employment and Industrial Relations), Chapter VI (Environment)
Documents available online: Joint statement: English | Norwegian | SpanishFinal StatementPress ReleaseComplaint


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