Norway’s NCP conducts training for Norwegian multinational enterprises. The course includes an introduction to international standards for responsible business conduct and provides examples of best practice for discussion and sharing of experiences.

consists of three full days of workshops. Participants are expected to engage actively and prepare for each workshop. The course is free of charge. If your company is interested, please contact us.

Aim of the course

The government expects Norwegian enterprises to familiarize themselves with and observe the OECD guidelines for responsible business conduct. This implies the expectations to business to conduct risk-based due diligence.

The aim of the training is to acquire knowledge on how enterprises through their business operations risk causing harm to people, the environment and society, and how to avoid these risks. Furthermore, participants will learn about risk assessment and due diligence, as well as the OECD guidelines and the OECD guidance documents.

The participants will be introduced to and learn to use the RBC compass, developed by Norway NCP. It is a self-assessment tool, which provides an overview of to which extent the enterprise complies with the OECD Guidelines. It is expected that the participants present the results of this assessment for the management or the board after the course and drafts a plan for further development of systems and routines for risk assessment and due diligence.

Who is this course for?

NCP’s due diligence training is relevant for all kinds of enterprises, independent of sector and size. The content of the training will be adapted to the need of the participants to ensure that the enterprises will experience a useful outcome of the training.

The NCP training involves relevant speakers who will give specific examples and elaborate on themes such as stakeholder dialogue, labour rights, purchasing practices, certification schemes and the government’s expectations. The participants will also learn about useful tools for how to continue the work in their own enterprise.

What is the due diligence method?

Conducting due diligence is a method which implies that enterprises identify, prevent and mitigate risks of harm caused by their business operations or by a business partner, often in the supply chain. The method further entails that the enterprises remediate adverse impact and explain how they manage negative consequences of their business operations. This is a continuous process where affected parties/stakeholders are involved in a stakeholder dialogue.

Previous courses and feedback

Since the course started in 2015, 110 participants from 61 enterprises have participated in the NCP courses. Read some of their feedback below.

Previously the CSR department and the product department each had their own system for following up the supply chain. During the training we found a solution to how we could achieve a more integrated process in both departments. Moreover, the CSR department’s work on responsible business has become more integrated in the day-to- day activities of the product department.Tone Cecilie F. Lie, CSR Manager, Eurosko

It was useful to gain an overview of all the legislation, guidelines and expectations that currently exist, thereby giving us the whole picture. It was useful to learn about other industries’ experience, to find out where the bar is set and what we must strive for. The training also gave us an opportunity to build networks with key players.Cathrine Dehli, CSR Manager, Nordic Choice Hotels

Do you and your enterprise wish to participate?
Please contact the NCP.

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