CSJA claims that the company failed to carry out the appropriate level of due diligence and has not handled the incident in accordance with the OECD Guidelines. The complaint also raises issues regarding land acquisition and a network closure in Myanmar.

The complainant alleges that the company has acted inconsistently with the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises among other things when it comes to human rights due diligence (Chapter IV in the Guidelines) and the relationship to suppliers (Chapter II in the Guidelines).

CSJA asks for a fair and impartial investigation of the issues raised, and does not seek financial compensation.

Photo: Telenor.
Received: 16 December 2019
Status: In progress
Sector: Telecommunication
Company: Telenor
Complainant: Committee Seeking Justice for Alethankyaw (CSJA)
Leading National Contact Point: Norway
Other involved National Contact Points:
Relevant chapters in the OECD Guidelines: Chapter II General Principles, paragraph A13
Chapter IV Human Rights, paragraph 5, and Commentaries paragraph 40 and 45


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